Dragon Vine 5×7 Print


A carnivorous plant, The Dragonvine grows blind, feathered “heads” which deter predators and capture prey. Fertilize twice monthly, 5×7 Art Print


Evolution is a game of survival, and Dragonvine plays to win. With its three vibrant, beast-like heads, this carnivorous plant tricks insects into flying too close, only to find themselves trapped within its coils. It doesnโ€™t roar, but its design is as lethal as any fire-breathing beast.

Inspired by the symbiotic relationship between plants and pollinators, this surreal piece of botanical fantasy explores how nature engineers beauty for a purpose. The Dragonvine thrives not through brute force, but through deceptionโ€”a strategy that has allowed real-world carnivorous plants to flourish for millions of years.

Printed on high-quality paper, this 5×7 print makes for a fascinating addition to any nature, fantasy, or sci-fi art collection.


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