Gargoyle Egg 5×7 Print


Standard, everyday Gargoyle Fetus


Most people know gargoyles as weathered stone figures perched on cathedrals, silently watching the world below. But what if they were living creatures, hatching from ancient eggs? “Gargoyle” explores this idea, depicting a newborn guardian in its embryonic stageโ€”its leathery skin still forming, its dark, empty eyes waiting to awaken.

While gargoyles are rooted in medieval mythology, this piece takes inspiration from real-world embryology. Many species, from birds to reptiles, undergo dramatic transformations in the womb or egg. Developing protective structures, exaggerated features, and even vestigial limbs. The curled form of this creature mirrors the fetal positioning seen in developing mammals, reinforcing the eerie sense of realism in this otherwise fantastical being.


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