Mr. Unicorn Betta Sticker


Dedicated to Mr Unicorn, the fish who had a tumor on his head. Lived happily with us for over 6 years, now immortalized in Sticker form


Long ago in a humble pet store, there lived a little betta fish in a cup. He had a tumor on his head, right in the middle, so we called him “Mr. Unicorn”

We always had a soft spot for mutated fish, and make it a point to adopt them when we see them to give them a nice space to live. We feel bad that nobody else might adopt them 🙁

Mr Unicorn was a good fishy for many years, so we immortalize him, here, to share with you

2.5″ Circle Sticker

  • Weatherproof
  • Durable
  • Dishwasher-safe
  • Scratch Resistant Vinyl
  • Laminate Coating
  • Made in the USA

Additional information

Weight .15 oz


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